HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCMS)  moved to a new temporary  location on September 19, 2021.  We are building a new church on Ajo Avenue.  For the next year our service will be 9 a.m.  at 5975 W Western Way Circle at Tucson Estates.  Bible Study at 10:15.  Plan to join us there.      For more information on English Worship contact Pastor John Upton   email aztopgun@comcast.net  –  Phone 520-578-0675

Iglesia Lutheran Santa Trinidad Church (LCMS) will be held at Faith Lutheran Church 3925 E Fifth Street in Tucson beginning September 12, 2021.  Contact Pastor Nicholas Wirtz for more information on Hispanic Worship        Email:    revnwirtz@yahoo.com        Phone    323-717-4390


Holy Trinity Lutheran Church was  located in southwest Tucson for 60 years.  Our desire is to reach out to our community by sharing the life-changing message of Jesus Christ our Savior. We invite you to come and hear the Good News of sins forgiven through    His shed blood on the cross. St. Paul says, “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”  (2 Cor. 6:2) Our English Service is traditional in style and Holy Communion is observed every Sunday.     We are a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod. Please join us for worship every Sunday morning at 9 a.m.   followed by Bible Study at 10:15 a.m.